It’s the time of year when your children may be flying the nest and heading off to experience university life. Whilst you might think they may have everything they need, here are some university essentials that they shouldn’t forget for their kitchen!

Utensils pot:

In a shared kitchen there might not always be space for cooking utensils. Sometimes each student will only have one or two drawers and a cupboard, so space can be limited. It’s something you might not think about but a utensil pot can come in very handy for wooden spoons and a potato masher! A pot can be super cheap or you could even use an old mug or jug! They also make a great décor piece for any kitchen!

Storage boxes:

There are so many storage boxes around; lots of different shapes and sizes. These can be pretty cheap too! They have probably already emptied their bedrooms at home and boxed all their belongings for uni into large boxes but sometimes these boxes are too big to keep in halls of residence or under the bed in a shared house and you  may need to bring them back home! So, it’s handy to purchase some smaller storage boxes to keep all bits and bobs in. For example, kitchen spices or cleaning products and bathroom essentials could all be kept in smaller boxes. Check out these ideas:

  • Stackable kitchen shelves in your cupboard or to keep food tidy on the work surfaces are really useful.
  • Don’t forget storage boxes for frozen meals! This will help save money too and give you some ready meal options. It’s always good to have some spaghetti bolognaise in the freezer!





Recipe book:

This is probably the first time your child will have cooked for themself. All of a sudden they will forget what you normally cook at home. So, get them a couple of recipe books or encourage them to write down their favourite meals you cook for them at home. It’s great to have some home comforts in their first few weeks at university.

The best student recipe book: click here to check it out 




So, keep these items in mind as they’re super useful for most students! Share this blog with family members or friends heading off to university soon.

Don’t worry Mum –  you will eventually stop sobbing.